Everyone Belongs: Because we know love and show love.
Everyone Grows: Because we learn and serve together.
Everyone Goes: Because we reach out and listen in.
We Belong, Grow, and Go because we are One People, In Christ, On Mission.

About Cornerstone Students
The ministry of Cornerstone Students is designed to welcome, love, serve, and disciple students in 6th-12th grade. Ourprimary goal is to help students discover a life-changing relationship with Jesus, but this is just the beginning. We aim to help students discover a deep sense of belonging with God and with His people that will go with them throughout their lifetime; we aim to help students discover the joy of growing in their walk with Christ through obedience and service; and we aim to help every student discover, embrace, and obey the unique calling God has on their life.
All of this takes place primarily on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.

Get Plugged In
Join us every Sunday morning @ 9:15 for Student Life Groups. Life groups challenge students to find true belonging through genuine fellowship, authentic discussion, guided studies of the Bible, and meaningful relationships both with their peers and their group leaders.
After school on Tuesdays, we offer a free program for middle school students called Amped. Amped offers students a safe space to hang out, play games, make friends, and study God’s word in a non-threatening environment.
Students at Inverness Middle School can be dropped off at Cornerstone by parents between 2:30-3:00 or wait to be picked up from the parent pick-up line by the Cornerstone bus. Students must be picked up is from Cornerstone between 4:30-5:00pm.
Wednesdays are a special time of the week for Cornerstone Students. We worship with our student led band, we engage scripture through Gospel-centered preaching, we fellowship through games and small groups, and we challenge one another to live fearlessly for Jesus. We meet from 6:00-7:30.

Other Events
Cornerstone Students is an active ministry with events happening throughout the year. Here are a few of the bigger events students will want to be a part of:
FUGE Camps – an incredible, high quality camp experience that offers students an unparalleled opportunity to bond with each other and grow in their faith. We go every summer, typically in June or July.
Summer and Winter Lock-Ins – We love having fun and spending time together at Cornerstone Students, so we have a lock-in every winter and every summer. Lock-Ins are fast-paced, high-energy, and fun-centered. We play, compete, eat waffles at 1 A.M, and have a blast!
Disciple-Now Weekend
Once a year, we host an incredible weekend designed to meet students where they are and draw them deeper into their relationship with Jesus. These events include worship, preaching, fellowship at a host-home, small group studies, serving in the community, and much more!